Mining Template
The Mining Template tool displays the output from the getblocktemplate command which is often used by miners for building a candidate for the "next block". The transactions shown here were selected from your node's mempool and generally represent those with the highest (effective) fees.
These details are just a best-guess based on the current mempool and will change with each refresh.
Fee Rates(sat/vB)
1000000 - -1
Total Fees
0 Transactions
# | ID | Fee Rate(sat/vB) | Fee | Weight(wu) |
Template Details
"capabilities": [
"version": 536870912,
"rules": [],
"vbavailable": {},
"vbrequired": 0,
"previousblockhash": "000000000000015a721046d56fab860bf652d6f2a60687d52a795b465cd1ce59",
"coinbaseaux": {
"flags": ""
"coinbasevalue": 5000000000,
"longpollid": "000000000000015a721046d56fab860bf652d6f2a60687d52a795b465cd1ce5956042",
"target": "0000000000000073fd0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"mintime": 1729281842,
"mutable": [
"noncerange": "00000000ffffffff",
"sigoplimit": 20000,
"sizelimit": 1000000,
"curtime": 1733253844,
"bits": "1973fd00",
"height": 56040